Yerba Mater - Raga Praga

Coming back from long journeys, of different type, often not merely geographical, three guys met, somewhere on the outskirts of a big city, picked up their funny and awkward instruments and began to play. It was everything but an incident...They were sipping yerba mate to stay awake and play more. It worked...Yerba was truly the Mater of invention. From the very beginning there was this notion that the outcome of the event was quite unlike anything they had previously heard. Soon they had their first chance to record their music in an empty concert hall of the Warsaw Music Academy. That was spooky. All those empty chairs and the four of them Bart (cello), Cierlik (al-`ud), Raf (saz, baglama) and Seba( sopilka, bass recorder).

In 2002 Yerba Mater began to perform life in Poland playing at different kinds of folk festivals, refugees days, theatres, museums etc. They play almost only their own compositions, improvisation and maybe two folk tunes to ease the tension. The thing they played was always very different from everything else that was played. Some people were a bit suspicious as it might have sounded a bit Moorish, and that wasn't exactly the best time for anything with the sign of the Crescent on

Yerba Mater - Raga Praga

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